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Thank you for considering a donation to United Cerebral Palsy’s Camp SMILE. Each donation is greatly appreciated and directly benefits individuals with disabilities that attend Camp SMILE. United Cerebral Palsy of Mobile is a U.S. 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization; hence contributions to Camp SMILE are deductible for computing income and estate taxes.

Annual Campaign Gifts or General Donations

Straight, non-designated donations that will go in our general budget that makes everything happen.


Make a donation to help campers who need assistance to attend camp.

• $50 = ½ day of camp

• $100 = 1 full day of camp

• $400 = 1 full week of camp

Donations may be designated for a specific camper or for the general campership fund.

Designated Donations

Make a donation towards a specific cost of programming, such as arts & crafts supplies, waterfront activities or the cost of photos taken at camp


Make a donation in memory of a friend or family member or in honor of a special person or special occasion. Camp SMILE will send a card notifying the family or honored person of your generosity.

Employee Matching Gift

Many companies offer matching gift programs, encouraging employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Most companies will match contributions dollar for dollar.

Camp Cookouts - Sponsor a Meal

We serve approximately 200 campers and volunteers each meal. One dinner meal for the entire camp costs about $1600-$1750 when catered. We also  welcome groups to cook for us.


If you are interested in funding/cooking a meal for us please email 


Through fundraisers, donations, and grants, Camp SMILE is able to cover the majority of the costs of camp, while offering camperships to families with financial need. By donating directly to camp, purchasing from our Amazon wish list, or participing in one of our fundraisers, you are helping insure there is truly No Limit to the Adventure.


© 2023 by Camp SMILE

 Proudly created with

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Find us: 

3058 Dauphin Square Connector

Mobile, AL 36607

No Limit to the Adventure!

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