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How long are sessions?

Campers arrive on Mondays between 1:00p.m. and 3:00p.m. and depart on Fridays by 4:00p.m. Counselors arrive Mondays at 9:00a.m. and depart on Fridays at 4:30p.m.


What is your camper to counselor ratio? 

We strive to maintain a 1:1 camper/counselor ratio. Occasionally it will be 2:1 with campers who are more independent.


How many campers can you accommodate at one time?

Each session will serve a maximum of 50 campers.


How are the campers and counselors supervised?

Campers are assigned to a counselor who is with them 24 hours/day. Each camper/ counselor pair is supervised by a unit leader, who is a trained adult. Each unit leader reports directly to the assistant and camp director. Cabins are segregated by sex and age. Camper/counselor pairs travel by cabin group. Never will a camper/counselor pair be left alone.


What is the cost of camp? 

One session of camp costs $400 per camper, which pays for room and board for the camper and their counselor. A $95 non-refundable registration fee must accompany the application in order for the application to be processed. The balance of $305 is due by May 31st.


What is the refund/cancellation policy?  

All fees (EXCEPT the non-refundable registration fee) will be refunded when notification of cancellation is received in writing thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the camp session that the camper has applied for. No refunds will be issued in the event of closures due to weather or sickness. This policy applies both if your individual camper falls ill, or if the camp has to be evacuated due to mass illness.


Is there financial assistance and how do I apply? 

There are a limited amount of "camperships" available. Monies are given to campers, based on the family’s income and need, until the funds run out. Families may request a partial campership ($150) or a full campership ($305). Please only ask for what you need, so that we may assist as many campers as possible.


How do you screen your staff?

Both paid and volunteer staff are interviewed and go through an extensive three-day training. References are checked and anyone 18 years of age or older undergoes a criminal background check.


What type of medical staff do you have?

Camp SMILE has two Registered Nurses and one paramedic on the campgrounds 24 hours/day. An additional RN is present between 7am-7pm when necessary.


Do you accommodate campers with specific dietary needs? 

Camp SMILE accommodates specific dietary needs as requested. If dietary limitations are severe, we ask that you contact us directly to work out the details.


Do you provide transportation to camp? 

Transportation to and from camp is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.


What are the directions to camp? 

Camp SMILE is held on the property of Camp Grace. A map and driving directions can be retrieved from the location section on this website. Camp Grace's .


Do I need to send money with my camper/counselor? 

No money is necessary. Camp SMILE provides three meals and two snacks each day. However, there will be opportunities at check in and check out to purchase camp merchandise.


What do I need to send with my camper/counselor? 

Click here to download a generic packing list for all campers/counselors. If your camper/counselor uses diapers or additional sources of nutrition (Ensure), you must send enough for 5 days. Camper/counselor will need to bring their own special equipment, such as: wheelchairs, breathing machines, and communication devices. Campers and counselors are also responsible for their own prescription and over-the-counter medications. Please do not send unnecessary items of great value, such as: money, expensive cameras, or entertainment electronics. This is a summer camp and despite efforts to keep track of personal belongings, constant movement between activities may result in lost or broken items. Please clearly label all clothing, suitcase and other possessions sent to camp.


Can parents stay and volunteer when their children are there? 

UCP feels strongly about Camp SMILE being an opportunity for campers to foster independence and spend time away from their families, and for families to get much needed respite time. For this reason, no volunteer applications will be accepted from parents wishing to volunteer during their child's week of camp, and only parents volunteering in a medical capacity will be allowed to spend the night. Camp SMILE uses a team of trained and experienced volunteers to ensure your child's safety and well-being.

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